Description :
The Omega Drivers are compatible with all ATI Radeon cards(it doesn't matter if they are DDR, SDR, PCI, PCI-E, AGP, Mobile, Retail, OEM or 3rd Party) : Radeon All In Wonder, Radeon 7x00/VE/LE, Radeon 8500/LE, Radeon 9x00/SE/Pro/XT/TX, Radeon X Series /SE/Pro/XT/PE, Radeon X 1k Series
All Mobility Radeons (M6 and up).
¡Ø IMPORTANT NOTE : Starting from Catalyst 6.6 and up, the following cards/chipsets (including Mobility) are no longer supported by the ATI or Omega Drivers - 7000 Series, 7200 Series, 7500 Series, 8500 Series, 9000 Series, 9200 Series, and 9250 Series.